Kenneth Karjane
master chambers presents
Kenneth Karjane
Kenneth Karjane is a passionate person who has dedicated himself to serving food and providing an experience through the spaces he creates.
We visit Kenneth and his collective in Põhjala Factory where he runs Karjase Bakery and Barbarea Restaurant which was recently recognized by the Michelin Guide as one of the top restaurants in the region. His latest opening is a natural wine bar located right next to his other projects.
Kenneth Karjane : Bakery + Restaurant + Bar
Photography & Interview : Silver Mikiver
Why food?
I started to read autobiographies of head chefs in my final year of university. I studied physiotherapy but I eventually understood that my interests are elsewhere. I started to cook at home not knowing anything. I saw how much information there was and that the learning would never end. In this field I will never be finished, ready, or arrived. It fascinated me.
I started by making bread at home. I knew nothing about croissants and all the other pastries. I got an opportunity in 2018 to learn more about the nuances of pastry in Sweden. I ended up staying there for 3 months. This experience gave me a solid base to support my vision forward.
While assisting other chefs in the bakery I was vocal about my dream to open my place in Tallinn once I got back. People were confused and didn’t have much faith in me. Others were much faster, better, and with more experience than me. But I had a vision and a desire to open up my place. Karjase Bakery was founded in 2018.
I didn’t look back.
I found my direction.
I was very lucky to land my first food-related job with Silver Saa. He was very dedicated to the craft of providing an experience through food. He made me understand that every aspect is important and that details matter. Crafting the whole journey matters. I worked with him in Fabrik Restaurant from 2015 - 2017 and after that, I didn’t look back. I found my direction.
A couple of months were difficult with Karjase Bakery. It was mainly due to figuring out the business side. I thought to myself, is this even a logical thing to do? Getting something running takes a lot of energy, time, and effort. All of my energy and finances went into Karjase Bakery and I am okay with it. I wanted to pursue my vision to the fullest.
Everything flows.
When I started I had the mentality that I needed to display my authority by not helping others with their tasks. But now it’s the opposite. Everybody works together and helps each other regardless of the situation or position. We create a more cohesive and harmonious collective through that. When people help others, the ones who are new will learn more quickly and with time become very competent. It benefits the whole house when we can make each other’s life easier.
How has Eva influenced you?
Without Eva, I would have burned out along the way or just quit. I think it is possible to do things alone if you are very organized but it is much harder even if you have a specific plan. We both contribute most of our time and energy to Barbarea and Karjase Bakery. We come to work each day with a smile on our faces.
When something happens either good or bad, I can always share it with Eva. We experience so many elevated emotions during the day that having somebody to share those with is amazing. We are lucky because whenever we travel or experience something new and exciting it always inspires us and benefits our projects.
It is common to make the chef most important but me and Eva do things together and always will. We are oriented more towards having a collective that is equally respected and cared for. We are transparent and share that aspect through our service as well.
It doesn’t matter what skills I currently have. I know that when I apply myself, I can manage everything because all can be learned. This has helped me a lot and still does.
What values does Barbarea represent?
We asked ourselves what kind of restaurant we would like to visit that would also support everyone in it. This set the base for everything we do and the general direction. The idea for Barbarea started when we got the bakery running smoothly. We took people on and things flowed nicely. We realized that we had the potential to provide something different in the evenings. I started to try different things at home, dishes that we would enjoy, simple things that tasted great.
Barbarea was built upon the idea that when you go out in the evening you would be guaranteed a good time. Our focus is to uplift and care for people who visit us through familiar, warm, and personal service. We provide food that is filling, pure, and provides an experience. We want to create a feeling that reflects our passion for food and dedication to people.
Barbarea was founded in 2021 and received the Michelin Guide recognition in 2023.
What creates a meaningful life?
Few different things. First I would say a partner. I am glad to have Eva next to me who brings joy daily. Second, a sense of purpose. What I mean by that is doing something that has meaning and an uplifting narrative. These things push me to continue on my journey. I wish for myself and the collective that we would be able to contribute to Barbarea and all the other things that will come in the future and that everybody would be good with their life.
‘‘ When you have a desire to follow your passion then fear is something you must overcome.‘‘
How would you define mastery?
Irresistible desire to do something most of your time. It is necessary to understand that mastery forms over time, after countless hours of practice and figuring out the specific focus. I think I am quite good at culinary but not the most talented. I need to make up for it with persistent work.
The recurring theme in food culture is knowing that learning never ends. I have many years to learn.
How to pursue self-expression?
When the urge is strong enough then you will follow it no matter what. It may differ depending on what phase you are in but it always presents a way to do things you enjoy while being fulfilling to the soul.
The creation of Karjase Bakery was based on the idea that I could do something myself. Opening a restaurant at that time would have been too expensive, and too much to handle probably. I see how I and the collective have progressed from the early days of Karjase Bakery and the lessons we have had to learn over the years.
It also depends on how you would like to use your time. If you are passionate about one thing like I am or you prefer to occupy your time with multiple interests. I think it will never become boring because there are many aspects to learn and develop in the culinary path.
‘‘ We come to work each day with a smile on our faces. ‘‘
captured on film ©Silver Mikiver